This year, I wanted to try somewhere a little different for my birthday dinner celebration. I'd heard nothing but fantastic things about Town Talk Diner (which even bills itself as "a finer diner") on Lake Street in Minneapolis, so I figured it was time to check it out. Plus, I'd heard they had killer cocktails from a great mixologist.
It was unique and summery and unlike anything I'd had before. I found it to be quite refreshing and enjoyable, albeit different.
I thought both were very good, but I really enjoyed the fries. Could be my love of both parsley and garlic.
I really enjoyed my first Town Talk experience. The space was welcoming, the staff friendly and the food good. The highlight of the night was our server's ability to split up the check in the easiest way I've ever seen: they separated the check and divided my portion evenly among the group. It saved us from the whole awkward check-paying experience that so often comes with dining in big groups.
Thanks Town Talk for being so accommodating, and thanks friends for being so generous!
This showed up in my feeds! Woo Hoo! I'm not sure I would pick any of the drinks you mentioned, but the burger looks great and I think I could be happy with just dessert! Yum!