As we looked out at the Strip from the plane, I was struck by how much smaller it looked than what I had imagined. That impression quickly dissipated, however, when we actually stepped foot on the Strip.
As a lover of all things flashy, I was giddy with excitement when we began looking at all of the lit up hotels. Even the "snappers" with their cards couldn't get me down (although, I was admittedly nervous that one of the cards scattered across the sidewalk was going to attach itself to my shoe).
My favorite part of the Strip was...of course...New York, New York. It made me long for a return visit to the wondrous Big Apple.

We enjoyed some delightfully delicious meals and amazing cocktails. More to come from my favorite restaurant during the trip.
By the way, no Tuesday Night Dinner at Home entry this week. My darling roommate had Italian sausage and spaghetti waiting for me when I got home tonight.
I haven't been. We tend to stick to the Eastern part of the country...north and south. I really hope to make a trip out west one of these days and take it all in. I think the food appeals to me the most, and the shops in the hotels. I can't wait to read about your favorite restaurant.