Seems like I've been on a bit of an Internet sabbatical as of late. I guess that's what happens when you take a week off, invite your nephews down to play and go home for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Last weekend, my sister brought my adorable little nephews down for an adventure in the city. At 3 1/2 and 2 1/2 years old, they were ecstatic about a trip to the
Minnesota Children's Museum in downtown Saint Paul. And, thanks to Saint Paul Public Library's
Passport to Play offering, all four of us got in for just $4.

Here's a brief sampling of some of the exhibits, like "
Out on a Limb" and "
Earth World."

The boys had so much fun exploring and running and jumping and climbing...they didn't want to leave. I think we'll have to plan another visit when the "
Dinosaurs" exhibit opens next month.
I kept my older nephew overnight before heading home for Thanksgiving, and we took a trip to what I called "the magical place" Monday afternoon -
Wild Rumpus bookstore in Minneapolis' Linden Hills neighborhood.

Busting at the seams with children's books, Wild Rumpus is also home to many fine living animals...a chicken, cats, a lizard, a spider, doves and more. Magical indeed.
How fun! Our grandsons are 1 and almost 3. They are just getting to the stage where we will be able to take them to the zoo and places like the Children's Museum. You have the advantage of youth...we get so tired chasing after them.